Dealing with Acid Reflux

by Terri

Since I turned 36 last year, I started having serious complaints of acid reflux. I would eat and then a few moments later, I would experience the worst heart burn you can imagine! No amount of fruit salts and Alka-Seltzer's would ease the pain. Eventually, I ended up going to a doctor and he gave me a long list of medicines. I thought hard and decided that I did not want to become dependant on medication.

I became adamant on experimenting with natural remedies in search for a solution. After s lot of research, I discovered a few great tips for acid reflux relief. First of all, I made a firm commitment to eat at least three hours before hitting the sack. I ensured that my meals were not too large and that I ate frequently, rather than having big meals. I also invested in an acid reflux pillow designed for this purpose. I must say, the pillowcase was money well spent.

I ate products known to heal the esophagus such as organic honey, marshmallow and licorice. These easy and cheap solutions really have a lot of healing power. My diet now consists of a lot of fruits, vegetables and water. In less than three weeks, I began to see visible changes; I looked better and felt better. I lost some weight due to eating smaller meals and adding fruits and vegetables to my diet. I did not have any more intense heartburn episodes, only a mild encounter once in a while.

The wonderful thing about all this was that I dealt with my problem and cured it without buying even a single medicine which the doctor had prescribed. This really made me feel great!

After all, nature is a true healer and problems arise only when we go against it.

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Apr 17, 2013
Generic Nexium for acid reflux NEW
by: Anonymous

Nexium reduces amount of acid in the stomach and helps patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Thanks for your blog.

Sep 12, 2011
by: Tai

I find that the best way to deal with Acid Reflux is to know the symptoms. Usually, Acid Reflux worsens when its signs and symptoms aren't properly tackled.

Acid Reflux symptoms vary, depending on your lifestyle, eating habits, dietary practices, etc. Knowing the symptoms can help you device cures and prevention methods.

Thanks for sharing your experience to the collective readers.


May 23, 2011
helpful info
by: Buffalo Chiropractor
Amazing blog. People will get great help from your efforts. Being in the healthcare field it is hard for me not to interject my clinical experiences. I find that there is an intimate relation between the nerves and the organs responsible for heartburn symptoms. It’s often thought of as an outside to in problem. Meaning people think that ant-acids will calm down / reduce the acidity and therefore their heartburn. I have gotten great success with spinal adjustments and allowing the body to regulate itself back to a proper homeostatic environment. The body regulates itself from the inside out. Patients love it when they do not have to take all the chalky pills and liquids before / after each meal. I would encourage anyone with heartburn to seek out a chiropractor in their local area.

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